Sub-Projects: A1 to A4
Here at Project Area A, research is devoted to new approaches to encoding and decoding information saved long-term in molecular storages. The focus concentrates on new codification, index structures and storage hierarchies.
Developing and evaluating superior codifications, Project A1 (Heider) benefits from their long-term experience in DNS-codification, DNS-cryptography and DNS-steganography. More precisely, new codifications for long-term storing are being developed, as well as evaluations of NGS-data supported, making use of bioinformatic technologies. Thus, cooperations with Project Areas A, B and C are planned.
A user-friendly web-platform for automatic analyses and visualization of chemical cluster-storages are being developed and implemented at Project A2. Responsibility is held by the junior research group of Dr. Georges Hattab. In addition to assistance from their own Project Area, cooperation is received from Area C.
Project A3 (Freisleben) works on (1) binary codifications for DNS-storages with adjustable properties of error recognition and correction, (2) creation of concepts and henceforth implementation of primers which aim at efficient partitioning and assembling of DNS-strands, as well as (3) analyzing requirements regarding the performance of DNA-storages and newly at MOSLA developed storage hierarchies. Cooperations are made with all sub-groups from Area A. Furthermore, simulations and experimental analyses are collaborations with groups from Areas B and C.
Indexation in molecular storages is researched by a team at Project A4, lead by Prof. Dr. Seeger. Their work aims to offer an efficient access to subsets (random access), taking the characteristics of DNS into account. Therefore cooperations with other groups from Area A are required along with Project Areas B and C.
PIs: Dominik Heider (A1), Georges Hattab (A2), Bernd Freisleben (A3), Bernhard Seeger (A4)