Marius Welzel, Peter Michael Schwarz, Hannah F. Löchel, Tolganay Kabdullayeva, Sandra Clemens, Anke Becker, Bernd Freisleben and Dominik Heiser just published their paper on “DNA-Aeon provides flexible arithmetic coding for constraint adherence and error correction in DNA storage”. It was accepted by Nature communications 2023, 14:628.
Dominik Heider in der CHIP-Ausgabe 04/2022
In der aktuellen Ausgabe berichtet die Computer-Zeitschrift CHIP unter anderem über “Biologische Rechenkraft” (Artikel Seite 30-33). Hierfür wurde auch Dominik Heider zur Speicherung von Daten in DNA interviewt.
Codes based on fractals allow the use of DNA for long-term storage
MOSLA researchers Hannah F Löchel, Marius Welzel, Georges Hattab, Anne-Christin Hauschild, Dominik Heider just published their paper on “Fractal construction of constrained code words for DNA storage systems”. It was accepted by Nucleic Acids Research, Oxford University Press.
Stefanie Dehnen was awarded the Leibniz-Preis 2022
The Gottried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize is the most prestigious German research award. It is awarded by the German Research Foundation (DFG, Deutsche Forschungsgemeinscafr) and endowed with 2.5 million euros. For the year 2022, it was awarded to chemist Stefanie Dehnen.
Mosla beteiligt sich an der Wissenschaftsrallye
Für Kinder und Jugendliche ab 10 Jahren findet in den Sommerferien die ProLOEWE-Wissenschaftsralley statt. Ab dem 2. August gilt es 21 Rätselvideos zu lösen. Dabei wird experimentiert, gemalt, gebastelt und die Natur entdeckt. Und das Beste: Es gibt eine ganze Reihe an Preisen zu gewinnen.
MOSLA ist bei den Rätselvideos natürlich auch mit am Start. In diesem Beitrag erzählen wir näheres zur Wissenschaftsralley.
Eine Anmeldung ist für die Teilnahme übrigens nicht nötig.
We joined the DNA Data Storage Alliance
Here at MOSLA, we aim to develop novel, transdisciplinary approaches for long-time archiving of data, in particular, in DNA. Of course we are not the only ones interested in this area, so we, and thus the University of Marburg, are now part of the global DNA Data Storage Alliance!
Welcoming Aleksandar Anžel
Aleksandar Anžel is one of the newest members of the MOSLA team. His research focuses on machine learning and data visualization. Both working on analysis and visualizations (Project Area A2), he and Chisom Ezekanna are part of the junior research group instructed by Georges Hattab.
In this interview he takes a closer look on his work and research interests.
DNA-Speicher zum Anfassen
Zusammen mit dem Hightech-Forum versenden wir 500 Röhrchen mit Speicher- DNA an ausgewählte Teilnehmer*innen. Diese synthetische DNA enthält den digitalisierten und kodierten Ergebnisbericht des Hightech-Forums zur Hightech-Strategie 2025 (1 Megabyte).
“Green Storage for the Future”
… is an article from Hessen Schafft Wissen about MOSLA, in which our team talks about the focus of our work on long-term archiving and doing pioneering research.
Day of exchange
The MOSLA-team got together virtually this week to exchange ideas and progess and discuss what is coming up. Packed with new ideas and fresh motivation, the end of this year is only the start into the last half of reasearch time as LOEWE-emphasis.
Going Forward
with David Velázquez
Going Forward is a series of brief interviews with the MOSLA team, talking about their motivations, passions and current goals. Get a glimpse on what they’re going about lately as well as who they are outside lab and office.
Going Forward
with Hannah Schmitz
Going Forward is a series of brief interviews with the MOSLA team, talking about their motivations, passions and current goals. Get a glimpse on what they’re going about lately as well as who they are outside lab and office.