Going Forward is a series of brief interviews with the MOSLA team, talking about their motivations, passions and current goals. Get a glimpse on what they’re going about lately as well as who they are outside lab and office.
Going Forward
with Simon Nier
Going Forward is a series of brief interviews with the MOSLA team, talking about their motivations, passions and current goals. Get a glimpse on what they’re going about lately as well as who they are outside lab and office.
Going Forward
with Sangam Chatterjee
Going Forward is a series of brief interviews with the MOSLA team, talking about their motivations, passions and current goals. Get a glimpse on what they’re going about lately as well as who they are outside lab and office.
Going Forward
with Stefanie Dehnen
Going Forward is a series of brief interviews with the MOSLA team, talking about their motivations, passions and current goals. Get a glimpse on what they’re going about lately as well as who they are outside lab and office.
Going Forward
with Tolga Kabdullayeva
Going Forward is a series of brief interviews with the MOSLA team, talking about their motivations, passions and current goals. Get a glimpse on what they’re going about lately as well as who they are outside lab and office.
“Aus der Cloud in die DNA”
MOSLA is featured in the magazine “Forschen in Marburg” (research at Marburg). The four-page long article tells you about the requirements for a suitable carrier for data, which bacteria among others is suitable and which perspectives our research area has.
Introducing MESA: The MOSLA Error Simulator
Our team members Marius Welzel and Michael Schwarz have developed and released their first software for our research project: MESA (Mosla Error Simulator).
MESA is a web application for the assessment of DNA fragments based on various limitations.
The software is open access for everyone.
LOEWE Certificate Handover
On 16 January we had a visit from Maya Gradenwitz from the LOEWE office in Wiesbaden, who handed over the certificate for the promotion of the MOSLA research project.
Meet Georges Hattab, or, an interview with the JRGL
In mid-December, Georges Hattab came to hold a dual role between MOSLA junior PI and head of the bioinformatics department at the UMR. And let me tell this, he is actually pretty excited about it.
Why MOSLA, you wonder? The interdisciplinarity, the creative space it offers as well as pushing the boundaries.
Read about his work, passions and the creative mind he is.
ProLOEWE News: Sleeping Beauty & MOSLA
Sleeping Beauty (also known as Dornröschen) has made her way into our project and made herself rather indispensable. How did it happen and what exactly is she doing there, you wonder? Read about it in the recent issue of the ProLOEWE News.
Stefanie Dehnen Will Become Vice President of the German Chemical Society
Our Principal Investigator Stefanie Dehnen, who works in the Department of Chemistry, will become Vice President of the German Chemical Society (GDCh) on January 1, 2020.
In her new position as Vice President of the GDCh, she seeks to promote a more attractive public image of the subject and even better professional and structural networking nationally and internationally, also with regard to young scientists.
Talk with Prof. Dr. Luis Ceze (University of Washington)
On October 15th, we’ll have Prof. Dr. Luis Ceze from the University of Washington and Dr. Karin Strauss from Microsoft. They will give a talk on the topic “DNA Data Storage”. This talk is a closed event for MOSLA team members only. Please see this post for further details.