DSMM is an inclusive, harassment-free conference that welcomes participants of any gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race or religion.
Respectful communication is essential for a healthy exchange of ideas and thoughts. DSMM does not tolerate harassment in any form. Behaviors such as exclusion, bullying, use of abusive or degrading language, harassment, taking pictures or recording for harassment purposes, inappropriate physical contact, unwelcome sexual attention and all other forms of harassment will be subject to consequences.
Anyone who experiences, observes, or has knowledge of such behavior is asked to report the incident immediately to the Mediation Team. Reports and all information will remain confidential. Even if a public response is deemed necessary, the identity of victims and reports will remain confidential unless the individuals involved consent.
Please contact us if you experience, observe, or have knowledge of behavior in violation of the Code of Conduct.

(he / him)
dominik dot heider at uni minus marburg dot de

(she / her)
anke dot becker at uni minus marburg dot de

(he / him)
georges dot hattab at uni minus marburg dot de